A holiday for … Families

Hospitable and mysterious, fecunded with imperishable beauty that almost, in some other sense, drags anyone who wants to capture the secrets that lie hidden within his territory, Salento looks like a treasure chest full of treasures, a casket of ‘wonders’ to discover and admire even with close relatives.
Yes, that’s right. SalentoVirtuale.com has thought of some ‘places’ to achieve together with the family. We will pass the ‘discovery’ of monuments, churches, caves that witness the history of Salento through the centuries to the evocative manifestations that bring to light those traditions ‘nestled’ for decades in these territories. For example, the characteristic Living Nativity of Tricase (naturally in the Christmas period) seems to really bring us back to the places where Jesus was born, as well as that of Acquarica del Capo, Casarano and Salice Salentino.
From the Living Cribs set in the charming atmospheres of Christmas, we now come to the fantasmagorica Allegory Chariot Parade, a symbol of the Carnival, which has been held for more than 70 years in Gallipoli. Among the many masks happily crossing Corso Roma, one can not help but note “Lu Titoru”, a typical character of the gallery. The belief wants them, back home from the war, to bark ‘meatballs’ to the sauce he particularly liked. But in a hurry to eat them, one of them, one clenched in his throat choking him. And his “funeral procession” that carnival at Carnival is a lot of fun, characterized by the “dead chants” (people who are crying just the dead), who swear constantly and in a colorful language against Lu Titoru for his death only for greed. After the parade, maybe you could take a ride through the ‘alleyways’ of the Old Town; take a look at the Baroque Cathedral of Sant’Agata, the various churches that ‘scandalize’ the walls of the ancient village, the seventeenth-century bridge, the Castle, the Fountain and so on … And then, if your holidays fall in the period of Easter, always in Gallipoli you could not miss the costume representation of the Sacred Rites of Holy Week. From the touching procession of the Addition to the long procession of the Good Friday Fire. On Saturday before Easter, among other things, it is very impressive that the encounter between the Madonna and Jesus died on the square in front of the Church of Purity … But in Salento are also the countries of the hinterland like Nardò, Galatone, Galatina, Copertino: Everyone has’ something ‘to offer the tourists’ curious look. Even in a small town like Tuglie, for example, one can encounter one of the most characteristic natural scenery in our area. You just have to move on to Montegrappa to dominate from above a wonderful ‘scorcio’ of Salento that will also ‘host’ your snack in the open air. Like the Four Columns that are in Santa Maria al Bagno.
In short, it is worthwhile to go together, including children, for a stay in this idyllic land that knows how to spell big and small with its delightful heritage that you can get out of the way.

Roberta Vittorini